For over 20 years, we have been helping candidates prepare for selection tests.
As experts in public service exams for the EU, Belgium and Luxembourg, we have developed a unique methodology for each test and many corrected exercises based on actual tests.
To feel confident when taking competition tests, it is important to proceed in stages. First, you need to assimilate the methodology. Our books and courses are designed specifically for this. Secondly, you need to practise under exam conditions and assess your progress. This is the role of our online tests. By combining our various tools, you will maximise your chances of success.
We monitor test developments closely.
We take exams regularly so that we can keep you informed of any changes, provide you with appropriate recommendations and adapt our products accordingly.
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We make it a priority to provide you with personalised, prompt responses to any questions you may have about the competitions and our products.
Transparency, empathy, and commitment to excellence are our driving values.
Current top picks
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Expertise dedicated to your success
Our books and courses provide a comprehensive overview of each test. We explain what the assessors expect from you, and the procedure to follow to answer the questions correctly within the given timeframes.
Develop automatic responses
Start preparing now. Take time to assimilate the methodology by working at your own pace on the questions provided in our books and courses.
Practise online
With our online tests you can self-assess using an interface similar to the one in your exam. All our tests are timed and come with detailed corrections. Our online questions are different from those in the books and courses.
By understanding and then practising regularly, you will make rapid progress. The detailed correction of our online tests helps you to go on improving throughout your learning journey. Our customers can vouch for the quality of our tools. Read what they have to say.
Our latest blog articles
Abstract reasoning in EAG in Luxembourg
Published : 2024-09-06 | Categories : Blog articles , Der Fonction publique zu LëtzebuergThe EPSO competition abstract reasoning test assesses candidates’ ability to identify and understand relationships between concepts with no linguistic or numerical elements.
ORSEU Concours' online tests in 2024
Published : 2024-06-25 | Categories : Blog articles , EPSO CompetitionsORSEU concours' website is undergoing a makeover in 2024, and we have tailored the online test interface specifically to provide EU test candidates with an optimal preparation experience.
Working as Contract Agent (CAST) in EU institutions
Published : 2024-05-23 | Categories : Blog articles , EPSO CompetitionsContract staff (CAST) work for EU institutions for up to 6 years, mainly in Brussels or Luxembourg. Since 2017, the CAST procedure has been ongoing (CAST Permanent). Candidates must be EU citizens and
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